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Code of Conduct



Each Darien KnockOut player will be held to a high standard of sportsmanlike conduct. Players shall arrive to practices and games on time and ready to give 100%. They shall hold themselves accountable for their actions and be open to coaching. They shall demonstrate the way the game is played is more important than winning. Respect for themselves, teammates, coaches, spectators, opposing team, and officials is paramount.

Each parent and player accepted to a team will be required to sign the "Player Code of Conduct".


Parents / Guardians

As a parent/guardian, you are a role model for your daughters. Specifically in softball, players  watch your actions while you are attending their practices and games and look to you as the example of how to act in good or challenging situations. It is expected all parents/guardians  set a good example and demonstrate sportsmanlike conduct while attending all Darien Youth Club or Darien KnockOuts events.

A parent/guardian of each player will be required to sign the "Parent Code of Conduct".


As a coach you are responsible for the safety and well being of each player while they are engaging in team activities. The players physical and mental well being is paramount above all else. Coaches are to treat players with dignity and respect and create a positive environment for learning and advancing skills. A coach of the Darien KnockOuts should strongly believe the way the game is played is more important than winning and a players health and safety should never be jeopardized in order to win a game or tournament.

The team manager and all coaches interacting with players on a regular basis are required to sign the "Coaches Code of Conduct".

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